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NonLinear Uncertainty Analysis - Monte Carlo

As we’ve seen, First-Order-Second-Moment (FOSM) is quick and insightful. But FOSM depends on an assumption that the relation between the model and the forecast uncertainty is linear. But many times the world is nonlinear. Short cuts like FOSM need assumptions, but we can free ourselves by taking the brute force approach. That is define the parameters that are important, provide the prior uncertainty, sample those parameters many times, run the model many times, and then summarize the results.

On a more practical standpoint, the underlying theory for FOSM and why it results in shortcomings can be hard to explain to stakeholders. Monte Carlo, however, is VERY straightforward, its computational brute force notwithstanding.

Here’s a flowchart from Anderson et al. (2015):

The Current Tutorial

In this notebook we will:

  1. Run Monte Carlo on the Freyberg model
  2. Look at parameter and forecast uncertainty
  3. Look at the effect of prior parameter uncertainty covariance
  4. Start thinking of the advantages and disadvantages of linear and nonlinear uncertainty methods

This notebook is going to be computationaly tough and may tax your computer. So buckle up.


First the usual admin of preparing folders and constructing the model and PEST datasets.

import sys
import os
import warnings
warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=DeprecationWarning) 

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt;

import shutil

sys.path.insert(0,os.path.join("..", "..", "dependencies"))
import pyemu
import flopy
assert "dependencies" in flopy.__file__
assert "dependencies" in pyemu.__file__
import herebedragons as hbd

plt.rcParams['font.size'] = 10
pyemu.plot_utils.font =10
# folder containing original model files
org_d = os.path.join('..', '..', 'models', 'monthly_model_files_1lyr_newstress')
# a dir to hold a copy of the org model files
working_dir = os.path.join('freyberg_mf6')
if os.path.exists(working_dir):
# get executables
# get dependency folders
# run our convenience functions to prepare the PEST and model folder
# convenience function that builds a new control file with pilot point parameters for hk
ins file for heads.csv prepared.
ins file for sfr.csv prepared.
noptmax:0, npar_adj:1, nnz_obs:24
written pest control file: freyberg_mf6\freyberg.pst
   could not remove start_datetime
1 pars added from template file .\freyberg6.sfr_perioddata_1.txt.tpl
6 pars added from template file .\freyberg6.wel_stress_period_data_10.txt.tpl
0 pars added from template file .\freyberg6.wel_stress_period_data_11.txt.tpl
0 pars added from template file .\freyberg6.wel_stress_period_data_12.txt.tpl
0 pars added from template file .\freyberg6.wel_stress_period_data_2.txt.tpl
0 pars added from template file .\freyberg6.wel_stress_period_data_3.txt.tpl
0 pars added from template file .\freyberg6.wel_stress_period_data_4.txt.tpl
0 pars added from template file .\freyberg6.wel_stress_period_data_5.txt.tpl
0 pars added from template file .\freyberg6.wel_stress_period_data_6.txt.tpl
0 pars added from template file .\freyberg6.wel_stress_period_data_7.txt.tpl
0 pars added from template file .\freyberg6.wel_stress_period_data_8.txt.tpl
0 pars added from template file .\freyberg6.wel_stress_period_data_9.txt.tpl
starting interp point loop for 800 points
took 2.029215 seconds
1 pars dropped from template file freyberg_mf6\freyberg6.npf_k_layer1.txt.tpl
29 pars added from template file .\hkpp.dat.tpl
starting interp point loop for 800 points
took 2.012059 seconds
29 pars added from template file .\rchpp.dat.tpl
noptmax:0, npar_adj:65, nnz_obs:37
new control file: 'freyberg_pp.pst'

Monte Carlo uses a lots and lots of forward runs so we don’t want to make the mistake of burning the silicon for a PEST control file that is not right. Here we make doubly sure that the control file has the recharge freed (not “fixed’ in the PEST control file).

Load the pst control file

Let’s double check what parameters we have in this version of the model using pyemu (you can just look in the PEST control file too.).

We have adjustable parameters that control SFR inflow rates, well pumping rates, hydraulic conductivity and recharge rates. Recall that by setting a parameter as “fixed” we are stating that we know it perfectly (should we though…?). Currently fixed parameters include porosity and future recharge.

For the sake of this tutorial, and as we did in the “sensitivity” tutorials, let’s set all the parameters free:

pst_name = "freyberg_pp.pst"
# load the pst
pst = pyemu.Pst(os.path.join(working_dir,pst_name))
#update parameter data
par = pst.parameter_data
#update paramter transform
par.loc[:, 'partrans'] = 'log'
# check if the model runs
# rewrite the control file
# run the model once'pestpp-glm freyberg_pp.pst', cwd=working_dir)
noptmax:0, npar_adj:68, nnz_obs:37

Reload the control file:

pst = pyemu.Pst(os.path.join(working_dir,'freyberg_pp.pst'))

Monte Carlo

In it’s simplest form, Monte Carlo boils down to: (1) “draw” many random samples of parameters from the prior probability distribution, (2) run the model, (3) look at the results.

So how do we “draw”, or sample, parameters? (Think “draw” as in “drawing a card from a deck”). We need to randomly sample parameter values from a range. This range is defined by the prior parameter probability distribution. As we did for FOSM, let’s assume that the bounds in the parameter data section define the range of a Gaussian (or normal) distribution, and that the intial values define the mean.

The Prior

We can use pyemu to sample parameter values from such a distribution. First, construct a covariance matrix from the parameter data in the pst control file:

prior_cov = pyemu.Cov.from_parameter_data(pst)

What did we do there? We generated a covariance matrix from the parameter bound values. The next cell displays an image of the matrix. As you can see, all off-diagonal values are zero. Therefore no parameter correaltion is accounted for.

This covariance matrix is the prior (before history matching) parameter covariance.

x = prior_cov.as_2d.copy()
x[x==0] = np.nan


OK, let’s now sample 500 parameter sets from the probability distribution described by this covariance matrix and the mean values (e.g. the initial parameter values in the pst control file).

parensemble = pyemu.ParameterEnsemble.from_gaussian_draw(pst=pst,cov=prior_cov,num_reals=500,)
# ensure that the samples respect parameter bounds in the pst control file

Here’s an example of the first 5 parameter sets of our 500 created by our draw (“draw” here is like “drawing” a card

ne1 rch0 rch1 strinf wel2 wel1 wel4 wel5 wel0 wel3 ... rch_i:22_j:7_zone:1.0 rch_i:37_j:17_zone:1.0 rch_i:17_j:2_zone:1.0 rch_i:12_j:12_zone:1.0 rch_i:22_j:17_zone:1.0 rch_i:2_j:17_zone:1.0 rch_i:27_j:7_zone:1.0 rch_i:32_j:12_zone:1.0 rch_i:2_j:2_zone:1.0 rch_i:12_j:2_zone:1.0
0 0.008576 0.798390 1.097442 342.933067 900.000000 95.384015 673.122041 236.651598 93.555705 258.919768 ... 1.545899 0.967640 0.765540 0.879551 1.064152 1.094530 1.587063 1.764833 0.699708 0.969906
1 0.007612 1.908030 1.188849 594.907106 88.010442 118.664153 560.794560 900.000000 246.389133 660.090196 ... 1.470901 1.380243 1.047585 0.910253 0.688392 0.921585 0.984850 1.211731 0.994265 2.000000
2 0.009936 0.964648 0.670542 566.612120 95.205141 450.603288 468.262566 900.000000 121.221073 198.859473 ... 1.504745 1.025225 0.824225 1.357629 1.061188 0.805217 1.426085 1.235177 0.720202 0.742659
3 0.005000 0.862611 1.291555 1949.739433 134.206943 213.220396 900.000000 900.000000 65.534174 900.000000 ... 0.641770 1.531370 0.614023 1.068229 0.860114 0.942771 1.791559 1.428844 1.132330 0.736988
4 0.011502 1.170017 0.649204 582.673590 328.172742 56.132756 654.640273 263.797784 886.917946 301.128598 ... 1.157887 0.964998 0.950426 0.952610 1.437834 0.899621 1.234873 1.145106 0.844422 0.946133

5 rows × 68 columns

What does this look like in terms of spatially varying parameters? Let’s just plot the hydraulic conductivity from one of these samples. (Note the log-transformed values of K):

par = pst.parameter_data
parnmes = par.loc[par.pargp=='hk1'].parnme.values
pe_k = parensemble.loc[:,parnmes].copy()

# use the hbd convenienc function to plot several realisations
hbd.plot_ensemble_arr(pe_k, working_dir, 10)
   could not remove start_datetime
return type uncaught, losing Ensemble type, returning DataFrame


That does not look very realistic. Do these look “right” (from a geologic stand point)? Lots of “random” variation (pilot points spatially near each other can have very different values)…not much structure…why? Because we have not specified any parameter correlation. Each pilot point is statisticaly independent.

How do we express that in the prior? We need to express parameter spatial covariance with a geostatistical structure. Much the same as we did for regularization. Let’s build a covariance matrix for pilot point parameters.

You should be familiar with these by now:

v = pyemu.geostats.ExpVario(contribution=.25,a=3500,anisotropy=.8,bearing=1.0)
gs = pyemu.utils.geostats.GeoStruct(variograms=v)
# get the pilot point parameter info
df_pp = pyemu.pp_utils.pp_tpl_to_dataframe(os.path.join(working_dir,"hkpp.dat.tpl"))
name x y zone parnme
0 pp_0000 625.0 9375.0 1.0 hk_i:2_j:2_zone:1.0
1 pp_0001 1875.0 9375.0 1.0 hk_i:2_j:7_zone:1.0
2 pp_0002 3125.0 9375.0 1.0 hk_i:2_j:12_zone:1.0
3 pp_0003 4375.0 9375.0 1.0 hk_i:2_j:17_zone:1.0
4 pp_0004 625.0 8125.0 1.0 hk_i:7_j:2_zone:1.0
# construct the geostatistically informed covariance matrix for ppoint pars
cov = gs.covariance_matrix(df_pp.x,df_pp.y,df_pp.parnme)
# display
hk_i:2_j:2_zone:1.0 hk_i:2_j:7_zone:1.0 hk_i:2_j:12_zone:1.0 hk_i:2_j:17_zone:1.0 hk_i:7_j:2_zone:1.0 hk_i:7_j:7_zone:1.0 hk_i:7_j:12_zone:1.0 hk_i:7_j:17_zone:1.0 hk_i:12_j:2_zone:1.0 hk_i:12_j:12_zone:1.0 ... hk_i:27_j:7_zone:1.0 hk_i:27_j:12_zone:1.0 hk_i:27_j:17_zone:1.0 hk_i:32_j:2_zone:1.0 hk_i:32_j:7_zone:1.0 hk_i:32_j:12_zone:1.0 hk_i:32_j:17_zone:1.0 hk_i:37_j:7_zone:1.0 hk_i:37_j:12_zone:1.0 hk_i:37_j:17_zone:1.0
hk_i:2_j:2_zone:1.0 0.250000 0.187865 0.141173 0.106085 0.174922 0.158515 0.127735 0.099030 0.122390 0.100508 ... 0.041073 0.038509 0.034703 0.029333 0.028846 0.027335 0.025025 0.020238 0.019327 0.017905
hk_i:2_j:7_zone:1.0 0.187865 0.250000 0.187865 0.141173 0.157961 0.174922 0.158515 0.127735 0.115596 0.116078 ... 0.041923 0.041073 0.038509 0.028718 0.029333 0.028846 0.027335 0.020524 0.020238 0.019327
hk_i:2_j:12_zone:1.0 0.141173 0.187865 0.250000 0.187865 0.127129 0.157961 0.174922 0.158515 0.099806 0.122390 ... 0.040891 0.041923 0.041073 0.027099 0.028718 0.029333 0.028846 0.020148 0.020524 0.020238
hk_i:2_j:17_zone:1.0 0.106085 0.141173 0.187865 0.250000 0.098518 0.127129 0.157961 0.174922 0.081563 0.115596 ... 0.038182 0.040891 0.041923 0.024714 0.027099 0.028718 0.029333 0.019158 0.020148 0.020524
hk_i:7_j:2_zone:1.0 0.174922 0.157961 0.127129 0.098518 0.250000 0.187865 0.141173 0.106085 0.174922 0.127735 ... 0.058374 0.053897 0.047526 0.041923 0.041073 0.038509 0.034703 0.028846 0.027335 0.025025

5 rows × 29 columns


cov_df = cov.to_dataframe()
prior_cov = prior_cov.to_dataframe()
#update values for hk ppoint parameters
prior_cov.loc[cov_df.index.values, cov_df.columns] = cov_df.values
# make Cov object again
prior_cov = pyemu.Cov.from_dataframe(prior_cov)
# display
<matplotlib.colorbar.Colorbar at 0x1df6486b250>


Now re-sample using the geostatisticaly informed prior:

parensemble = pyemu.ParameterEnsemble.from_gaussian_draw(pst=pst, cov=prior_cov, num_reals=500,)
# ensure that the samples respect parameter bounds in the pst control file
drawing from group hk1
drawing from group porosity
drawing from group rch0
drawing from group rch1
drawing from group rchpp
drawing from group strinf
drawing from group wel

Here’s an example of the first 5 parameter sets of our 500 created by our draw (“draw” here is like “drawing” a card

ne1 rch0 rch1 strinf wel2 wel1 wel4 wel5 wel0 wel3 ... rch_i:22_j:7_zone:1.0 rch_i:37_j:17_zone:1.0 rch_i:17_j:2_zone:1.0 rch_i:12_j:12_zone:1.0 rch_i:22_j:17_zone:1.0 rch_i:2_j:17_zone:1.0 rch_i:27_j:7_zone:1.0 rch_i:32_j:12_zone:1.0 rch_i:2_j:2_zone:1.0 rch_i:12_j:2_zone:1.0
0 0.009583 0.636000 1.208663 296.866418 109.590198 143.473132 900.000000 347.261007 148.383135 90.848116 ... 1.596587 0.958090 0.721037 1.729436 1.744553 0.719409 1.243979 1.195635 0.681879 1.176365
1 0.012451 2.000000 1.358884 401.349422 164.705488 900.000000 386.662038 76.166170 900.000000 69.328231 ... 0.603213 0.772045 1.321382 0.859291 0.828841 1.282602 1.006906 0.851859 0.889863 0.998289
2 0.009922 1.966333 1.142492 245.576160 421.100437 110.117281 145.506390 201.207688 510.979844 900.000000 ... 0.883169 1.202958 0.728151 0.934369 1.187185 1.646549 1.849163 1.266836 0.941629 0.909086
3 0.007218 0.588905 0.567419 626.098148 71.219612 900.000000 355.428866 227.579461 156.658614 207.097135 ... 0.938810 1.209241 1.895610 1.089464 0.638541 1.510416 1.009344 0.525180 1.542154 0.908281
4 0.008293 0.922642 1.029767 476.002182 44.652183 795.533096 21.292506 900.000000 544.941314 826.396753 ... 0.832306 1.097875 0.942772 0.916822 0.875572 0.894957 0.539972 0.687725 0.753373 0.994329

5 rows × 68 columns

Now when we plot the spatialy distributed parameters (hk1), it still doesn’t look very “natural”, but at least we can see some structure and points which are near to each other are more ikely to be similar:

pe_k = parensemble.loc[:,parnmes].copy()
# use the hbd convenienc function to plot several realisations
hbd.plot_ensemble_arr(pe_k, working_dir, 10)
   could not remove start_datetime
return type uncaught, losing Ensemble type, returning DataFrame


Let’s look at some of the distributions. Note that distributions are log-normal, because parameters in the pst are log-transformed:

for pname in pst.par_names[:5]:
    ax = parensemble.loc[:,pname].hist(bins=20)
0.005 0.02 0.01067691804894108


0.5 2.0 1.0730318679538804


0.5 2.0 1.0685975451074596


50.0 5000.0 773.0894942537367


11.121848658985792 900.0 364.8164629415672


Notice anything funny? Compare these distributions to the uper/lower bounds in the pst.parameter_data. There seem to be many parameters “bunched up” at the bounds. This is due to the gaussian distribution being truncated at the parameter bounds.

parnme partrans parchglim parval1 parlbnd parubnd pargp scale offset dercom extra i j zone
ne1 ne1 log factor 0.01 0.005 0.02 porosity 1.0 0.0 1 NaN NaN NaN NaN
rch0 rch0 log factor 1.00 0.500 2.00 rch0 1.0 0.0 1 NaN NaN NaN NaN
rch1 rch1 log factor 1.00 0.500 2.00 rch1 1.0 0.0 1 NaN NaN NaN NaN
strinf strinf log factor 500.00 50.000 5000.00 strinf 1.0 0.0 1 NaN NaN NaN NaN
wel2 wel2 log factor 300.00 10.000 900.00 wel -1.0 0.0 1 NaN NaN NaN NaN

Run Monte Carlo

So we now have 500 different random samples of parameters. Let’s run them! This is going to take some time, so let’s do it in parallel using PEST++SWP.

First write the ensemble to an external CSV file:


As usual, make sure to specify the number of agents to use. This value must be assigned according to the capacity of youmachine:

num_workers = 10
# the master directory

Run the next cell to call PEST++SWP. It’ll take a while.

pyemu.os_utils.start_workers(working_dir, # the folder which contains the "template" PEST dataset
                            'pestpp-swp', #the PEST software version we want to run
                            pst_name, # the control file to use with PEST
                            num_workers=num_workers, #how many agents to deploy
                            worker_root='.', #where to deploy the agent directories; relative to where python is running
                            master_dir=m_d, #the manager directory

Alright - let’s see some MC results. For these runs, what was the Phi?

df_out = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(m_d,"sweep_out.csv"),index_col=0)
df_out.iloc[:,:] = df_out.iloc[:,:].astype(float)
df_out = df_out.loc[df_out.failed_flag==0,:] #drop any failed runs
df_out = df_out.loc[~df_out.le(-2.e10).any(axis=1)] #drop extreme values
df_out.columns = [c.lower() for c in df_out.columns]
input_run_id failed_flag phi meas_phi regul_phi gage-1 headwater particle tailwater trgw-0-13-10 ... trgw-0-9-1:4108.5 trgw-0-9-1:4138.5 trgw-0-9-1:4169.5 trgw-0-9-1:4199.5 trgw-0-9-1:4230.5 trgw-0-9-1:4261.5 trgw-0-9-1:4291.5 trgw-0-9-1:4322.5 trgw-0-9-1:4352.5 trgw-0-9-1:4383.5
0 0.0 0.0 619.576222 619.576222 0.0 474.232111 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ... 37.466570 37.750637 37.973004 38.068521 38.020843 37.846665 37.605281 37.350871 37.168975 37.156842
1 1.0 0.0 4634.898463 4634.898463 0.0 2769.610344 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ... 41.156702 41.485288 42.029705 42.690176 41.812960 41.470349 41.086245 40.710035 40.432904 40.352933
2 2.0 0.0 2765.490874 2765.490874 0.0 2446.710514 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ... 37.892667 37.974050 38.000180 37.922830 37.719802 37.417057 37.076874 36.744300 36.503167 36.435266
3 3.0 0.0 989.876635 989.876635 0.0 793.829044 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ... 36.248752 36.296259 36.317630 36.286879 36.190321 36.037679 35.858439 35.673592 35.527561 35.462595
4 4.0 0.0 795.308698 795.308698 0.0 609.907811 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ... 52.069763 54.383517 53.807098 50.581377 46.030802 42.632138 41.985583 41.952356 41.962384 42.729573

5 rows × 423 columns

Wow, some are pretty large. What was Phi with the initial parameter values??


Let’s plot Phi for all 500 runs:



Wow, some of those models are really REALLY bad fits to the observations. So, when we only use our prior knowledge to sample the parameters we get a bunch of models with unacceptably Phi, and we can consider them not reasonable. Therefore, we should NOT include them in our uncertainty analysis.

Conditioning (a.k.a GLUE)

IMPORTANT: this is super important - in this next block we are “conditioning” our Monte Carlo run by removing the bad runs based on a Phi cutoff. So here is where we choose which realizations we consider good enough with respect to fitting the observation data.

Those realizations with a phi bigger than our cutoff are out, no matter how close to the cutoff; those that are within the cutoff are all considered equally good regardless of how close to the cutoff they reside.

We started out with a Phi of:


Let’s say any Phi below 2x pst.phi is aceptable (which is pretty poor by the way…):

acceptable_phi = pst.phi * 2
good_enough = df_out.loc[df_out.phi<acceptable_phi].index.values
print("number of good enough realisations:", good_enough.shape[0])
number of good enough realisations: 90

These are the run number of the 500 that met this cutoff. Sheesh - that’s very few!

Here is a major problem with “rejection sampling” in high dimensions: you have to run the model many many many many many times to find even a few realizations that fit the data acceptably well.

With all these parameters, there are so many possible combinations, that very few realizations fit the data very well…we will address this problem later, so for now, let bump our “good enough” threshold to some realizations to plot.

Let’s plot just these “good” ones:

#ax = df_out.phi.hist(alpha=0.5)


Now the payoff - using our good runs, let’s make some probablistic plots! Here’s our parameters

Gray blocks the full the range of the realizations. These are within our bounds of reasonable given what we knew when we started, so those grey boxes represent our prior

The blue boxes show the runs that met our criteria, so that distribution represents our posterior

for parnme in pst.par_names[:5]:
    ax = plt.subplot(111)






Similar to the FOSM results, the future recharge (rch1) and porosity (ne1) are not influenced by calibration. The conditioned parameter values should cover the same range as unconditioned values.

Let’s look at the forecasts

In the plots below, prior forecast distributions are shaded grey, posteriors are graded blue and the “true” value is shown as dashed black line.

for forecast in pst.forecast_names:
    ax = plt.subplot(111)
    v = pst.observation_data.loc[forecast,"obsval"]
    ylim = ax.get_ylim()





We see for some of the foreacsts that the prior and posterior are similar - indicating that “calibration” hasn’t helped reduce forecast uncertainty. That being said, given the issues noted above for high-dimensional conditioned-MC, the very very few realisations we are using here to assess the posterior make it a bit dubious.

And, as you can see, some of the true forecast values are not being covered by the posterior. So - failing.

Its hard to say how the posterior compares to the prior with so few “good enough” realizations. To fix this problem, we have two choices:

  • run the model more times for Monte Carlo (!)
  • generate realizations that fix the data better before hand

Advanced Monte Carlo - sampling from the linearized posterior

In the previous section, we saw that none of the realizations fit the observations anywhere close to phimlim because of the dimensionality of the pilot point problem.

Here, we will use so linear algebra trickeration to “pre-condition” the realizations so that they have a better chance of fitting the observations. As we all know now, “linear algebra” = Jacobian!

First we need to run the calibration process to get the calibrated parameters and last Jacobian. Let’s do that quick-sticks now. The next cell repeats what we did during the “freyberg regularization” tutorial. It can take a while.

getting CC matrix
noptmax:20, npar_adj:68, nnz_obs:37
%load_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2
The autoreload extension is already loaded. To reload it, use:
  %reload_ext autoreload
#new name
pst_name = "freyberg_reg.pst"
m_d = 'master_amc'
pyemu.os_utils.start_workers(working_dir, # the folder which contains the "template" PEST dataset
                            'pestpp-glm', #the PEST software version we want to run
                            pst_name, # the control file to use with PEST
                            num_workers=num_workers, #how many agents to deploy
                            worker_root='.', #where to deploy the agent directories; relative to where python is running
                            master_dir=m_d, #the manager directory
pst = pyemu.Pst(os.path.join(m_d, pst_name))

schur bayesian monte carlo

Here, we will swap out the prior parameter covariance matrix ($\boldsymbol{\Sigma}{\theta}$) for the FOSM-based posterior parameter covariance matrix ($\overline{\boldsymbol{\Sigma}}{\theta}$). Everything else is exactly the same (sounds like a NIN song).

First instantiate a the pyemu.Schur object:

sc = pyemu.Schur(jco=os.path.join(m_d,pst_name.replace(".pst",".jcb")),
                parcov=prior_cov) # geostatistically informed prior covariance matrix we built earlier

Update the control file with the “best fit” parameters (e.g. the calibrated parameters). These values are the mean ofthe posterior parameter probability distribution.

parrep: updating noptmax to 0

Now we sample parameters from the linearized (because it is based on the linear analysis/FOSM derived posterior) posterior probability dristribution. We obtain the mean of the distribution from the calibrated parameters (the parameter values of minimum error variance). We obtain the variance from the posterior parameter covariance matrix ($X^{t}QX$).

parnme partrans parchglim parval1 parlbnd parubnd pargp scale offset dercom extra i j zone
ne1 ne1 log factor 0.01 0.005 0.02 porosity 1.0 0.0 1 NaN NaN NaN NaN
rch0 rch0 log factor 1.00 0.500 2.00 rch0 1.0 0.0 1 NaN NaN NaN NaN
rch1 rch1 log factor 1.00 0.500 2.00 rch1 1.0 0.0 1 NaN NaN NaN NaN
strinf strinf log factor 500.00 50.000 5000.00 strinf 1.0 0.0 1 NaN NaN NaN NaN
wel2 wel2 log factor 300.00 10.000 900.00 wel -1.0 0.0 1 NaN NaN NaN NaN
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
rch_i:2_j:17_zone:1.0 rch_i:2_j:17_zone:1.0 log factor 1.00 0.500 2.00 rchpp 1.0 0.0 1 NaN 2 17 1.0
rch_i:27_j:7_zone:1.0 rch_i:27_j:7_zone:1.0 log factor 1.00 0.500 2.00 rchpp 1.0 0.0 1 NaN 27 7 1.0
rch_i:32_j:12_zone:1.0 rch_i:32_j:12_zone:1.0 log factor 1.00 0.500 2.00 rchpp 1.0 0.0 1 NaN 32 12 1.0
rch_i:2_j:2_zone:1.0 rch_i:2_j:2_zone:1.0 log factor 1.00 0.500 2.00 rchpp 1.0 0.0 1 NaN 2 2 1.0
rch_i:12_j:2_zone:1.0 rch_i:12_j:2_zone:1.0 log factor 1.00 0.500 2.00 rchpp 1.0 0.0 1 NaN 12 2 1.0

68 rows × 14 columns

x = abs(sc.posterior_parameter.to_pearson().x)
<matplotlib.colorbar.Colorbar at 0x1df6a386b50>


parensemble = pyemu.ParameterEnsemble.from_gaussian_draw(pst=sc.pst,
                                                        cov=sc.posterior_parameter, # posterior parameter covariance
drawing from group hk1
drawing from group porosity
drawing from group rch0
drawing from group rch1
drawing from group rchpp
drawing from group strinf
drawing from group wel

What do these look like?

pe_k = parensemble.loc[:,parnmes].copy()
# use the hbd convenienc function to plot several realisations
hbd.plot_ensemble_arr(pe_k, working_dir, 10)
   could not remove start_datetime
return type uncaught, losing Ensemble type, returning DataFrame


As before, write the file for PEST++SWP:


And run again:

pyemu.os_utils.start_workers(working_dir, # the folder which contains the "template" PEST dataset
                            'pestpp-swp', #the PEST software version we want to run
                            pst_name, # the control file to use with PEST
                            num_workers=num_workers, #how many agents to deploy
                            worker_root='.', #where to deploy the agent directories; relative to where python is running
                            master_dir=m_d, #the manager directory

And pull in the results, just as before:

df_out = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(m_d,"sweep_out.csv"),index_col=0,)
df_out.iloc[:,:] = df_out.iloc[:,:].astype(float)
df_out = df_out.loc[df_out.failed_flag==0,:] #drop any failed runs
df_out = df_out.loc[~df_out.le(-2.e10).any(axis=1)] #drop extreme values
df_out = df_out.loc[df_out.meas_phi<1e10] #drop extreme values
df_out.columns = [c.lower() for c in df_out.columns]
input_run_id failed_flag phi meas_phi regul_phi gage-1 headwater particle tailwater trgw-0-13-10 ... trgw-0-9-1:4108.5 trgw-0-9-1:4138.5 trgw-0-9-1:4169.5 trgw-0-9-1:4199.5 trgw-0-9-1:4230.5 trgw-0-9-1:4261.5 trgw-0-9-1:4291.5 trgw-0-9-1:4322.5 trgw-0-9-1:4352.5 trgw-0-9-1:4383.5
0 0.0 0.0 NaN 1322.291485 NaN 1222.341259 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ... 36.740411 36.787046 36.803979 36.761189 36.642000 36.458180 36.244836 36.026991 35.857205 35.785682
1 1.0 0.0 NaN 191.203343 NaN 178.238114 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ... 40.474222 40.373511 40.248546 40.085575 39.863805 39.596139 39.312541 39.023315 38.775840 38.600468
2 2.0 0.0 NaN 672.240682 NaN 627.197534 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ... 38.513961 39.059952 39.520749 39.787939 39.842868 39.704403 39.456068 39.184804 39.010760 39.084157
3 3.0 0.0 NaN 244.821079 NaN 215.568379 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ... 39.596341 39.756774 39.870106 39.887863 39.792020 39.596463 39.349100 39.088784 38.887460 38.820092
4 4.0 0.0 NaN 348.474546 NaN 267.460156 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ... 39.721842 40.106007 40.415270 40.559689 40.516298 40.304765 40.002072 39.680998 39.454527 39.454623

5 rows × 431 columns

df_out.meas_phi.hist(bins=100, )


Now we see, using the same Phi threshold we obtain a larger number of “good enough” parameter sets:

good_enough = df_out.loc[df_out.meas_phi<acceptable_phi].index.values
print("number of good enough realisations:", good_enough.shape[0])
number of good enough realisations: 197

So sampling from the linearized posterior improves the chances of getting parameters that fit the data.

#ax = df_out.phi.hist(alpha=0.5)


Check the forecasts again.

So although we are getting more “good enough” parameter sets, we are still failing to entirely capture the truth values of all forecasts (see “part_time” forecast). So our forecast posterior is overly narrow (non-conservative).

Why? Because our uncertainty analysis is not robust for all our forecasts, even with non-linear Monte Carlo. The parameterization scheme is still to coarse…

for forecast in pst.forecast_names:
    ax = plt.subplot(111)
    v = pst.observation_data.loc[forecast,"obsval"]
    ylim = ax.get_ylim()





What have we learnt? Even though we are avoiding the assumptions of linearity required for FOSM, and burning a lot more silicone, this does not guarantee that the uncertainty analysis is conservative. Why? Because we are not considering relevant sources of parameter uncertainty. We are not accounting for spatial variability of porosity…boundary condition parameters (e.g. GHB, WEL and STR parameters)…temporal variability of recharge and pumping rates…and so on.

But we also saw that, with high-dimensional problems, these brute-force approaches to sampling the (non linear) posterior probability distribution get extremely computationaly expensive. In the past, the Null-Space Monte Carlo (Tonkin and Doherty, 2009) provided an option that reduced the burden of calibration-constrained Monte Carlo. More recently, ensemble methods such as are avialble in PEST++IES provide an even more efficient option.

We cover the use of PEST++IES in Part2 of these tutorials, where we introduce workflows for a very high-dimensional prameterisation scheme.